Evangelist Freddy Clark Ministering & Preaching with the Sermon: "End Time Prophecy, Daniel & Revelation."
Your support & contributions will allow us to reach more lives through prayer & healing. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
the Pentecostals of Alexandria
2817 Rapids Ave.
Pastor Anthony Mangun
Phone: (318) 487-8976
Church of the Apostles
2318 Fern St.
Pastor James Oddo
HWY 65 South
Pastor: Aaron Elkins
Phone: (850) 379-8743
Cornerstone of Bristol Church
10734 NW State Rd. 20
Pastor Randy Oxendine
Phone: (850) 451-6242
Restoration Church
3839 Mance Newton Rd.
Pastor Andy Wood
Phone: (334) 797-8006